Learn more about residential pest control as we go through a brief description, threat level, and plan of attack of the 6 most hated pests…
Description: Araneae/ arachnids have eight legs, two body regions, no wings, or antennae. Three or four pair of eyes.
Threat Level: Low to high, most spiders pose little or no danger to people and should be left alone to naturally defend your home against unwanted pests like flies and mosquitos. In the USA the two most common venomous spiders are the brown recluse and the black widow spiders. Brown recluses have violin-shaped marking on the top of its cephalothorax. Black widows have red hourglass shape on the underside of its jet-black (sometimes brown) abdomen.
Plan of Attack: Keeping spiders out of your home is not a one time treatment but an ongoing process. Go Green’s Integrated Pest Management (IPM) spider eradication plan include access to the technician’s professional expertise. This may include suggestions on how you can make your home more spider proof—a huge part of prevention.

Bed Bugs
Description: Cimex lectularius are small, red-brown insects whose sole diet is the blood of mammals. They’re about the size of an apple seed and have very flat, oval bodies. Although they have wings, they are flightless, but they can crawl very fast. They also grow very quickly, transforming from an egg to an adult in about a month.
Threat Level: Low, bed bugs are not known to carry disease, but their bites are irritating and can be painful and, if not treated right away, can cause infections.
Plan of Attack: Do-it-yourself treatment seldom works because these little monsters have become resistant to many of the pesticides available to consumers. Their eggs are hard to kill and harder to reach with over-the-counter chemicals and methods. Go Green Pest Control uses state-of-the-art technology for residential pest control to kill them at every life stage, no matter where they’re hiding in your home.

Stinging Insects
Description: Vespids are stinging insects are classified as wasps, hornets, bees, and yellow jackets.
Threat Level: Moderate to high, especially if you invade their territory or threaten them. The stings from wasps, bees, hornets, or yellow jackets may hurt, but they can also cause more serious health issues like infections, nausea, painful swelling, and in rare cases even death (this is usually because the individual is allergic)
Plan of Attack: When we create an Integrated Pest Management plan for your home to protect against all stinging insects, we’ll begin with a thorough inspection based on our knowledge of the stinging insects’ cycles and the ways they interact with the environment. Your custom IPM will allow us to manage pests in the most economical way possible, and with the least danger to people, pets, property, and the environment.

Description: Phylum Arthropoda have two antennae, have six legs, and some have wings. However, most winged cockroaches are not very proficient at flying.
Threat Level: High, they’re fast, efficient eating machines that can digest almost anything. Many victims of this infestation also develop cockroach allergies without knowing the cause. These insects are so resourceful and resilient that it’s usually best to call a professional to deal with them.
Plan of Attack: We use an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program. IPM works well for residential pest control because it generally requires a smaller application of chemicals on each visit. Your custom IPM will allow us to manage roach infestations in the most economical way possible, and with the least danger to people, pets, property, and the environment.

Description: Formicidae, ants have a constricted (pinched) area between the thorax and abdomen called the petiole. They are also identifiable by a pair of elbowed (bent) antennae on the head. The petiole (part of the abdomen) has either one or two nodes (bumps). Most ants are workers and do not have wings. Winged ants, queens and males, may occasionally be seen when they swarm.
Threat Level: Mild to moderate, fire Ants will defend their nests and can sting pets and humans who fall or walk near their ant hills. Ants are considered pests because they can be destructive. Carpenter ants can create their nests and tunnels in wooden structures around the home can cause significant damage to your home. Colonies can spread rapidly if not treated.
Plan of Attack: The first thing we’ll do is a comprehensive inspection of your home to look for signs of ants, tunnels, and nests. We may also offer suggestions that will help you prevent incursions in the future. IPM will allow us to manage the ant infestations in the most economical way possible, and with the least danger to people, pets, property, and the environment.

Description: Isoptera, their colors range from white to light brown in color. Worker termites often appear lighter in color, while swarming termites are darker. They routinely measure between 1/4 and 1/2 of an inch in length. They have soft bodies and straight antennae.
Threat Level: High, termites rarely sting humans but when stung, they cause extreme pain, itching, and swelling of the tissue, and can cause allergies and asthma attacks. Termites caused more than $5 billion worth of property damage in the U.S. last year. They can enter a structure through nearly microscopic holes, then set to work eating every bit of wood they can find. The infestation can be invisible until damage has already occurred, so we recommend an Integrated Pest Management plan for residential pest control to assure that regular inspections keep your home safe.
Plan of Attack: The first thing we’ll do is a comprehensive inspection of your home to look for signs of termites. We may also offer suggestions that will help you prevent incursions in the future. IPM will allow us to manage the termite infestations in the most economical way possible, and with the least danger to people, pets, property, and the environment.

Residential Pest Control
We can handle any residential pest control needs you have and we are licensed and insured. Go Green holds licenses and certifications in multiple areas of pest management.
We are licensed by the U.S.D.A. and insured up to $5,000,000.
We’re a certified government contractor, and all our employees undergo background checks.
Rest easy when you call Go Green. We provide green pest control services for Kansas.
Wichita 316.733.0687 | Manhattan/Junction City 785.377.0687